Sourced primarily from the North American Division, these resources offer valuable tools, insightful articles, and practical guides to enrich your knowledge, skills, and foster a deeper connection with Christ.
Issues of Relevance
How Do I Pursue My Own Spirituality When My Parents Don't Agree?
I already got baptized because I had the desire to follow Jesus. But my parents are not being supportive of it because they raised me catholic and I got baptized as a baby and confirmed in the catholic church. I got confirmed but I did not realize what it really meant at that point in my life. Maybe I was too young to understand it...
You Lost Me (Presentation)
Roger Dudley of the Institute of Church Ministry at Andrews University states that "It seems reasonable to believe that at least 40 to 50 percent of Seventh-day Adventist teenagers in North America are essentially leaving the church by their middle 20s. This figure may well be higher."
Am I too late? Has God given up on me?
Sometimes it feels like God has given up on me. I'm at a point in my life where I don't know what to do. I have an addiction, and every time I think I've overcome it, I relapse. My biggest fear is that God has given up on me. I used to have this amazing relationship with Him, and now I feel like it's gone. Am I too late? Has God given up on me?
Young Adult & LGBT
In a recent article published in the Journal of Social Work and Christianity,* Adventist researchers shared their conclusions after conducting a special study: “Coming to terms with one’s sexual identity is a particularly complex process for Christian LGBT+ youth, many of whom are at high risk for negative outcomes such as depression, substance abuse and suicide.” According to survey findings, Seventh-day Adventist youth are no exception, and may have greater difficulty navigating these issues because of “the very high behavioral standards of our church.”
Other Resources
Adventist Christian
Safety Guidelines for Youth & Young Adult Ministries
Advent Source
Quick Start Prayer Guide for Generation Z
Living It High School Outreach
ACF is about the mission of God through the Seventh-day Adventist Church on college and university campuses in the North America Division including Bermuda, Canada, Guam-Micronesia and the United States. ACF is a ministry of students, by students and for students, supported by local Adventist churches and resourced by Adventist Conferences, Unions and the North American Division. It includes concerned parents, faculty, pastors, chaplains, church leaders, church members and hundreds of volunteers. All this because when we reach the campus we help change the world!
The leadership in the North American Division Youth and Young Adult Ministries Department has gathered the latest safety policies and guidelines from the North American Division, the General Conference, and Adventist Risk Management. We have categorized and prepared a significant amount of the most relevant information into easy-to-use documents and links in order to make it readily accessible for you.
The goal of this site is to provide YOU with the most relevant safety resources for your youth and children’s ministries.
AdventSource has been a strong partner to young adult ministry in conspicuously placing resources and services within easy access of church leadership at all levels. Robust online listings of young adult ministry resources, specialty catalogs, listserve services, inclusions in newsletters, speakers bureaus, event management, and resource development have been part of an enlarging array of tools available to support young adult ministry.
Prayer can be one of the easiest things to do and one of the most difficult things at the same time. It’s like talking to a friend - that’s easy. It’s talking to a friend you can’t see or hear audibly - that’s hard. Let’s be honest, you look weird talking to someone that is invisible.
I have come to realize that even though God is unseen it does not mean that He is not accessible. He can be reached. He is just a prayer away. This guide will help you to connect with Him deeper and get more out of your time in prayer.
Living it is sponsored by the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist church and is designed to reach the (approximately) 70% of Adventist youth that attend public schools. Even though this ministry is targeted towards public high school students the ideas and principals presented are also effective in reaching students attending Christian schools. And even though this ministry is sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist church, it is gospel oriented and thus is a great resource for Christians of all denominations.